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Project closure LIFE+ "murerleben II"

Project closure

The LIFE+ Project "murerleben II" was completed on 01.02.2016 according to plan.



download final report >> pdf final Report - english


download final folder >> pdf final folder - german


download children's book >> pdf children's book - german

"River Mur" for the International RiverPrize 2015 as Finalist announced

The Styrian  Government - Department 14, in collaboration with freiland Umweltconsulting ZT GmbH, has won the "European RiverPrize 2014" with the project "River Mur" in October 2014. Building on this success, the project "River Mur" was nominated as finalist for the "Thiess International RiverPrize 2015".

Three rivers from diverse parts of the world have been selected as finalists in the 2015 Thiess International Riverprize.

  • Lake Eyre Basin (Australia)
  • River Mur (Austria)
  • Jordan River (Jordan)

The IRF has awarded the "Thiess International RiverPrize 2015" to the Lake Eyre Basin (Australia).

The Thiess International Riverprize, now in its 17th year, is open to applicants from anywhere in the world who can demonstrate outstanding, visionary and sustainable programs in river management, restoration or protection - regardless of the size of the river or the scale of the project. Applicants are judged by an independent panel of experts from a range of river management fields.

Planting activities with kindergarten and primary school at LIFE+ measures

On June 26th 2015 another planting activity at the LIFE+ measure in St. Peter Au was conducted during the school festival of the primary schools St. Peter / Judenburg, St. Georgen / Judenburg and Unzmarkt - Frauenburg. 103 children were involved. The St. Peterer-Au could be perfectly used for a total of 14 games stations of the school festival which was carried out under the motto "Old games rediscovered". One of the stations, organized by Kathrin Grillitsch, was called “planting in the Au”. Every child who has planted a tree is now godchild of this tree and will accompany its development in the coming years.


On June 11th 2015 a planting activity took place at the LIFE+ measure in Thalheim with the children of the kindergarten and the primary school of the community Pöls - Oberkurzheim.

The children of the primary school and the kindergarten of Pöls enjoyed the planting Action:

Bepflanzung_Thalheim_062015 060_Bepflanzung_Thalheim_062015 078_Bepflanzung_Thalheim_062015 072_Bepflanzung_Thalheim_062015 093_Bepflanzung_Thalheim_062015 100

Mrs. Tamara Haid who was born in Pöls and teaches at the secondary school Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico initiated a new cooperation which enabled to publicize the LIFE+ project far beyond the Austrian borders:

In order to promote environmental awareness, the LIFE+ restoration project of the Upper Mur will be integrated in the school curriculum. "Murerleben" thus goes to Mexico, where it is used to show how the habitat water can be developed and restored for humans, animals and plants.


The Department 14 of the Styrian Goverment  (Water Resources and Sustainability), together with freiland Civil Engineers LLC won the "European River Prize 2014" with the project "River Mur".

Representatives from the River Mur accepted the award in front of an audience of European river professionals at the Riverprize Gala Dinner at Vienna City Hall on Tuesday 28 October. The dinner was held in conjunction with 6th European River Restoration Conference, where all finalists were given the opportunity to showcase their decades of work. In the final,the Mur project against the projects Danube River (Transnational) and Danube River (Slovakia) has prevailed.
For the "European River Prize 2014" the Mur was filed as an overall concept with all previously implemented EU-funded projects.
With the award, the Steiermark has automatically qualified for the finals of the "International Thiess River Prize", which is awarded annually by the International River Foundation (IRF).

Foto: © Astrid Knie / Wiener Wasser


River Mur is Finalist at the "European RiverPrize"

The Styrian Mur was nominated for the IRF Europe River Prize as finalist!

The finalists 2014 selected are:

  • Danube River (Transnational)
  • River Mur (Austria)
  • Danube River (Slovakia)


The International RiverFoundation will announce the winner at the Riverprize Gala Dinner on Tuesday 28 October at the City Hall, Vienna, being held in conjunction with the 6th  European River Restoration Conference.

LIFE+ Feast in the St. Peter Au

On Saturday September 20th a great feast took place in the LIFE+ measure St. Peter Au.

The festival in the alluvial area of the River Mur, with its many activities and performances, became a fun and cozy coming together for all. The focus of this event was of course the successful set LIFE+ measure.

Click here for the TV Report by murauTV


Picture 1 of 5

LIFE Fest St Peter 05

Official opening of the measure Lässer Au

On Wednesday, 25 June 2014, the measure Lässer Au in the municipality Apfelberg was opened. During the event, a press conference and presentation of the student projects took place.

Click here for the TV report by murauTV
Opening Lässer Au 01_Opening Lässer Au 02_Opening Lässer Au 03_Opening Lässer Au 04_Opening Lässer Au 05

Project site visit

On 03th April 2014 a meeting and a project site visit  together with Mr. Felix Bergmann  from the external monitoring team of the EU Commission took place.

The last project site visit of the external monitoring team of the EU Commission took place on 18th March 2013 .

Opening of the measure Lasser Au

On 12.10.2013 the side arm of the measure Lässer Au was opened.

The branched system is now connected to the River Mur and the dynamic development can begin ...!


Fish - monitoring in "St. Peter Au"

On 29.10.2013 a fish ecological monitoring with students of the BRG Judenburg took place in the measure "St. Peter Au" of murerleben I. Click here for the TV Post by murauTV


Web-Cam Lässer Au

At the measure Lässer Au two webcams were installed. Here the construction and the development can be tracked live!


Project site visit

On 18th March 2013 a meeting and a project site visit together with Mr. Felix Bergmann  from the external monitoring team of the EU Commission took place.

The last project site visit of the external monitoring team of the EU Commission took place on 8th May 2012.

20 years LIFE

On 29th June 2012 a festivity regarding 20 years LIFE took place in the Lässer Au. More information you will find here.

School projects

For the design of the information boards and locations regarding the measures of the LIFE+ Obere Mur a competition for pupils at the BRG Judenburg was arranged.

More informations here

Project site visit

There was a project site visit of the external monitoring team of the EU Commission on 8th May 2012. 

On 30th March 2011 a meeting and a project site visit  together with Mr. Felix Bergmann  from the external monitoring team of the EU Commission took place.


Implemention of measures

The implementation of the measure Preg has been started in 2011 (see measures) and was completed in May 2011; the realisation of measure Mauthof started in April.

The working on the measure Lässer-au will start in May.


GerambRose 2010

River widening Weyern

On 17th September 2010 the measure river widening Weyern of the project Murerleben 2003-2007 was awarded with the GerambRose.


The GerambRose is awarded in Styria for honouring the achievements of maintenance or creation of quality-focussed architecture. The focus of this award is the building itself and the common achievements of the client, the planners and the operators.


The GerambRose 2010 was dedicated in particular to the "public spaces". Together with the river widening Weyern (Upper Mur) also the river widenings Gosdorf and Schladming (Enns) were honoured.



Kick-off event Murerleben 2010-2015

The first press conference in combination with a ground-breaking ceremony took already place during the kick-off event in Lässer-Au on 7th May 2010.


download: >>press release 07-05-2010 german

Life plus Nature Project
"Inner-Alpine River Basin Management for the Upper Mur"
European RiverPrize 2014

The project "River Mur" won the European River Prize 2014, at the 6th European River Restoration Conference in Vienna on 28.10.2014!

more information here

Realisation of measures

Completion of measure Preg and Mauthof in 2012.

The measure Lässer Au was finished in december 2013, the measure Feistritz in the summer of 2014.

The implementation of the measures Apfelberg, und St. Peter started in summer/autumn 2014.