Public relations
Feast "20 Years LIFE"
In the presence of Mr. Nikolaus Berlakovich, Minister for environment, the twenty-year-old anniversary of the EU-LIFE-projects took place on 29th June 2012 in the Lässer alluvial forest.
The kindergarten Judenburg Jägersteig, the BG/BRG Judenburg, the school for food and agriculture Großlobming and the Simultania Judenburg participated in the preparations.
Kindergarten Jägersteig Judenburg
In several excursions to the river Mur one group of our kindergarten dealt with our interesting river landscape. After learning about the existing flora and fauna, the children go into the "landscape river Mur"´ in a playful manner with songs and stories. Regarding the 20th anniversary a song called "Murerleben" was prepared and performed.
BG/BRG Judenburg
The gymnasium Judenburg prepared two projects. On the one hand pupils have occupied in the school lesson "science and nature" with bio-monitoring and on the other hand 23 pupils of the 7th class have dealt with the design of seats and information boards. They presented their miniatures to a seven-headed jury consisting of representatives of the federal state Styria and freiland Umweltconsulting. The members of the jury were enthusiastic over the creativity and the ideas. Since November last year they occupied with the drafts and finally presented their manufactured miniatures separately. The main criteria of the jury were the practicability, the resistance to weather and the protection against vandalism. Four of the twelve models were realized in the course of the next years and serve as recreation oasis and source of information. Two locations are planned in the Lässer alluvial forest, a further one at the Ingering estuary (municipality of Apfelberg), as well as one in St. Peterer alluvial forest (municipality St. Peter/Jdbg.). The group of pupils occupied with bio-monitoring are going to realize already this autumn the electrofishing under a specialized guideance at the river Mur.
School for Food and Agriculture, Großlobming
An important partner during the events on site is the school for food and agriculture in Großlobming. The school girls arranged not only a perfect catering but also served their extra created snacks in form of a "fish.
Simultania Judenburg
From the beginning the project is characterized from the title: "Milestones along the river Mur". To this title belongs a same-named project, where the Simultania in Judenburg, headed by Prof. Helmut Ploschnitznigg, distinguishes itself. A group of young persons with a handicap have together created wooden pillars, which are to be seen along the total project area at the river Mur. This project are to be continued at "Murerleben LIFE+ successfully. The wooden pillars, exposed by the weather, will be replaced by new designed wooden pillars and will decorate in all colours the riverside of the Mur.
School Projects - Design of seating areas and information boards
For the design of the information boards and locations regarding the measures of the LIFE+ Upper river Mur a competition for pupils at the BRG Judenburg was caried out.
The pupils worked out in small groups concepts for the design of seats and information boards in their classrooms. These were presented and are going to be concretised and improved in further working steps, to be realised in the implementation of measures.
The pictures show the 12 projects worked out from the pupils:
The Winners

from left to right:
Schurl Marc-Andre, Gergely Eric , Grillitsch Daniel Project 12 4. place
Reicher Andreas Project 11 1. place
Prof. Mag. Günter Steiner
Schwarz Anja, Winter Isabella Project 7 3. place
Höfferer Julia, Pretritsch Katarina Project 06 2. place